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Installation cabinet, this board is the most important, but many people missed it.


Installation of cabinets, this board is the most important, but many people missed it. When decorating, the installation of cabinets will still choose the method of customization. After all, for the current household, saving space is absolutely necessary, so when choosing the relevant settings, we must see the customization of cabinets. Can save more land practical area, let the whole home environment present a more perfect state, but also can be more beautiful and tall.

As we all know, whether it is finished cabinet or custom cabinet, there will be a gap below. This gap will not be filled, so when decorating the whole kitchen, it will remind the decorator to make extra processing to fill it, which can be of great help in the future cooking life.

And for this filling material, there are many on the market, and it is not expensive, so there is no need to worry about the price, but small skills show great energy, many times, in the cooking process, we will find that, when the bottom plate is not installed, vegetable crumbs and some debris garbage are always. It's like leaving space under the bed in the bedroom. Every time you clean it, you have to bend down to clean it specially. It's too tiring. Moreover, because of the darkness and humidity, there are often mosquitoes and cockroaches that like to hide inside and come out at night. In fact, this is no secret, almost everyone knows it. So this board actually plays a very important role, so that mosquitoes and cockroaches have no hiding place.